Atomic Wedgies, Wet Willies, & Other Acts of Roguery
Greg Tananbaum and Dan Martin

The Bad Driver’s Handbook : Hundreds of Simple Maneuvers to Frustrate, Annoy, and Endanger Those Around You
Zack Arnstein and Larry Arnstein

Cats Around the World
Ted Meyer

The Dog Ate My Resumé : Survival Tips for Life After College
Zack Arnstein and Larry Arnstein

Earplug Erotica
Mike McCoy

5,000 Reasons to Smile… For Chicks
Sally DeLellis

Life Is Short. Eat Biscuits!
Amy Jordan Smith Illustrated by Ted Meyer

The Lighter Side of Yoga
Mike Nevitt Foreword by Danny Paradise

Opening Lines, Pinky Probes, and L-Bombs : The Girls & Sports Dating and Relationship Playbook
Justin Borus and Andrew Feinstein

Redneck Haiku : Double-Wide Edition
Mary K. Witte

Self-Loathing for Beginners
Lynn Phillips

Things You Can Do While You’re Naked :
Jaime Andrews and Jessica Doherty

The Ultimate Counterterrorist Home Companion : Six Incapacitating Holds Involving a Spatula and Other Ways to Protect Your Family
Zack Arnstein and Larry Arnstein